Manifesting & the Spiritual Part 3

To Recap:  The basics of manifesting are …

1. Setting clear intentions,

2. Believing and having faith in your personal power and freedom to use that power,


3. Having gratitude for all that is and that you have already – and gratitude for what is certainly coming.  Having an abundance mindset – a belief that there is more than enough for everyone and that one person’s abundance does not take away from the birthright of everyone’s abundance.  That there is endless potential for gifts of all kinds. 

A mindful way of approaching life increases the likelihood of noticing and being aware of all of the universe's magical ways.  When we are on the lookout – seeking to find the treasures – we will find them.  Our reticular activating system is designed to suss out that which we are looking for. 

Whatever is on our mind is what we will find. 


“Acting As If”

Our brains are designed to manifest our deepest desires – but also our greatest fear. 

So mindfulness is a way of staying clear and intentional about how our mind is working for or against our dreams and wishes. 

Pulling all these concepts together is the practice of “acting as if.”  This is where we behave as if what we are manifesting is already in existence.  It puts the body behind the mind and really nails the message of total faith in the actuality of what we are manifesting. 

We are Manifesters by nature

It’s important to note that all through ancient scriptures and sources of wisdom is the fact that before there was life, there was “the light” (consciousness) and “the word” (thought).  Consciousness and what stems from “mind” (which is in part thought) is what creates solid matter – manifested consciousness.  We are all manifesters by virtue, and we are conscious beings with minds – we are manifesters by nature.   

Perhaps the more complex aspects of manifesting are…


When we connect with Conscious Intention, we are connecting to the source of all things.  We can call this Source God, Spirit, One, I Am, Consciousness.  When we embrace the Absolute Knowing that we are not alone, that we are connected to the source – the we ARE the source – at all times, we are now connected with Synchronicity.  

The connecting link to all things is intention.  All things manifested were first an intention, so if you can connect with this Source (intention) you are in the centre of where all things arise.  Interestingly, the intention and the “intentioner” (that who sets the intention) is the Source of the creativity – the creation and creator are one and the same. 

 I Am

To elevate your life and attain your ideals (manifest) you must take Total Responsibility for yourself, especially your “idea of yourself.”  Anything that interferes with the concept “I am that I am” interferes with manifesting.  In the ancient texts, God proclaims this: “I am.”  In all of us is the spark of I am.  If you can align with the part of yourself – your highest self that is the spark of God – the “I am”-ness you will manifest easily and quickly.  If you are wanting something, write it down in the form of “I am” as in the example, “I am well, healthy, and full of life energy.”  “I am” is the essence of awareness, consciousness, and imagination.   

 The Spark of Creation within Us

This brings us back to intention.  Your imagination is the servant and engine for intention.  Whatever exists in this universe was first intended and imagined.  You, a being of light, have the spark of creation in you via your imagination.  Through thought, will, spirit, intention/awareness/attention, you have the capacity to create all things.  This is where spiritual development comes in as a necessary part of manifesting.  To align with the source of our ability to create, we need to connect with our higher self and get to know it.  


We do this through meditation, prayer, and contemplation.  We do this through self-love practices and particularly through forgiving ourselves.  The Sufi’s spoke about needing to have a temple in your heart and Deepak speaks about the universe being within us.  We didn’t come from our parents; we came from the source, and we need to align with it: become it, love it, and join it.  Faith is passionately believing in what doesn’t appear to exist, but we trust in it anyway.  This is where non-duality, non-linear, and ego-less practice comes in. 


Even better if what you want is in the spirit of unconditional love.  If you align yourself in love, you will not only manifest easily and quickly but also experience great freedom.

Freedom is found in the total absence of concern for self and the total immersion in the love for and welfare of others.

This is the secret of true happiness and freedom.

Unconditional love for others.

Try it for one week:

Let go of yourself and focus on loving others. Think only on love and what it could manifest, immersing yourself in only what is life-giving. What your heart desires that is in alignment with love for self and others.

See what emerges…

Ironic, that if you do the work that true manifesting demands you will come full circle to a place where you no longer need or want anything but that what you have developed in this practice:  The absolute knowing that you are not alone; the magic of the words,

“I am that I am and therefore need for nothing in this world and can create all things.”

I wasn’t sure if you would be interested in an Affirmation on Fearlessness: Love and Spirit Vanquish Fear. If you are, send me a note, and I’ll send it along. XOXO Kathlyn

Next Manifesting Blog (that is now our 4-Part series) will explore more deeply how spiritual practices and understanding enable our capacity and awareness surrounding our manifesting abilities.



Connection is the Antidote